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You are the only one

Let's get this straight you're on a floating rock in the middle of space and you are the only version of you on it. Your finger prints, the colour of your eyes, the bumps and curves of your body, your mind, how you think and see things. You are the only one who has these things that are yours. YOU ARE UNIQUE!

Why would you want to be anyone else when there's only one of you... do you not realise how amazing and rare you are, like a pearl in the ocean.

I've been very vacant here the past while... I let myself get caught in the tornado fo life and this is me just landed back. So hello I hope you're doing well and if you're not, that's okay no one is 100% all of the time because we are humans we aren't these fake perfect beings. We are all flawed and perfectly imperfect but I love that. It makes the good so much more special.

I've found that me being raw and real is where I am my truest happiest self. That sounds kind of silly saying it as it seems so obvious but we live in a world where we are expected to be the opposite we are expected to live this filtered perfect life but it's not real. I think that's why I've struggled to write recently because I tried to plan it too much and be too analytical of what I wanted to write instead of just letting it flow which was the original purpose of this blog. So fuck that i'm going to be me and I now know that that is more than enough.

Do me favour and spend some time with yourself, listen to what you need. Stop thinking of everyone else, don't neglect the one who needs you the most... you.

Go on show yourself some love and attention for once, I'll talk to you later xxx

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