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Hello, how are you today?

No, don't just say "I'm fine"..... how are you? Sit for a minute and really ask yourself how you're doing at the moment. I'm telling you that step one on how to survive is by looking out for you and listening to the answers and signs that your mind and body give you. One thing I am finally coming to terms with is, becoming my own best friend which is not an easy task but a crucial one to becoming a happier person. But that's a whole blog post worth of discussions and advice to give which I will do at some point if you're interested?

Life in our current world is a tornado of social media notifications, arguments with friends and family, feeling like you're the only one who doesn't have their life sussed out, A GLOBAL PANDEMIC, minimum wage and trying to fit in self care and a social life to the mix. That's just to name a few. We live in a society where we are expected to be constantly available, do the right thing, say the right thing, unlearn generational trauma, keep up with our fitness, look a certain way and always be switched on. We forget that we are human beings who actually need to take a minute to look after ourselves. Don't lose yourself in the tornado of life.

Self care shouldn't be only reserved for a sorry Sunday when you're hungover and feeling like a face mask will save you from the night before. Don't tell me I'm not right... All jokes aside self care should really be in your daily routine and it's so much more than the instagram aesthetic of a face mask and lighting a candle. Don't get me wrong I love a good face mask and candle night, but there's so much more to self care that you can be incorporating into your day to day. Here are a list of my 10 favourite things to do for self care that I feel genuinely help lift a weight off my shoulders.

  1. Get fresh air, I can't recommend enough how getting outside at least once a day can improve your mind and mood, go on a walk, or open your window.

  2. Turn your notifications off, I decided to turn my social media notifications off about a year ago and I've never gone back. So many people subconsciously judge their worth off of the 'ping' of a message or like notification. Stop letting notifications run your life, turn them off. You have the power.

  3. Journal! Journal! Journal! For years I tried to find the knack to journaling as I have heard so many people talk about the benefits of writing down your feelings, but I could never fully submerge myself into it as I was always trying too hard. But I have now found that a journal is different to each person and it's a way to write down what's on your mind and be able to have a conversation with yourself. I find it amazing way to understand how I'm feeling.

  4. Reading, I find reading is such an escape from reality. I love to submerge myself in a whole different world and have that time to switch off from my life. I am going to start dong a monthly book review for those who also love to read.

  5. Podcasts, if you're not much of a reader or if you are; a podcast is a great way to learn. We are fortunate enough to live in a world where we have an infinite amount of knowledge and resources at our disposal. I love listening to podcasts when I'm working or doing something where I want some advice or to learn something new or to even just have a laugh. I will also do a blog post on my top favourite podcasts.

  6. Have a shower or a bath, there's just something about being clean that refreshes you and makes me feel so much more productive and relaxed.

  7. Have a conversation with someone who makes you happy. Someone who you know you can talk to about anything and they make your soul that bit lighter.

  8. Talk to yourself. No you're not crazy for doing it. It's healthy to talk to yourself, after all you're with yourself 24/7 you might as well get to know this person who you listen to about anything in your life.

  9. Find an outlet for me that would be something creative such as drawing or blogging. You may find it in the gym or gaming or whatever it is where you feel you can just let loose.

  10. Listen to music, music is a whole form of therapy in itself, I find music as such a good mood changer, whenever I'm sad or in a bad mood I put on a good playlist and sing my heart out and dance around my room. Let yourself be happy in your own company dance and just let yourself enjoy the moment.

Now go on and do some self care. Whatever that is to you, just do it.

I'll see you next time, Anna. x

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