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I feel like my mind has been flipped upside down, It all started with a walk. I met up with a friend for a chat, one of those friends that makes your soul happy. One that you don't see all the time but when you do, you make up for it in hours of conversation. We were walking and talking about life, relationships, friends and our future. I have been feeling frustrated and restricted recently, which is one of the reasons I started this blog as a creative outlet and to find like minded people. On this walk we came to a bridge and sat on some large rocks. I lifted my jumper up and my phone fell down between the rocks. When I tell you it was gone.... that b*tch said see ya later Anna and fell deep down the cracks of boulders and rocks.

I pulled and pulled at the rocks and they would not budge, I scrambled in the dirt trying to reach and feel any sign of my phone. No luck, so we went to mine and got a crowbar and shovel... they didn't help, the spade actually just bent. The rock wasn't moving, but believe me I was not prepared to give up. My phone had all my photos, videos etc on it that I knew weren't backed up to a cloud. I pushed and heaved and clambered over these rocks until my hands hurt and my knees were bleeding. Then I sat up and looked at the sky and screamed "what the hell is this lesson mean't to be, UNIVERSE" like what the hell is this.

I looked at my friend who at this point was just laughing, rightly so. And took a breath and said "it's gone, I just need to let it go" and by saying that I realised it was more than just my phone that needed to let go of. I have been harbouring a lot of negative feelings and anger due to various reasons and people throughout my life. I looked at my friend and said sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try to get something back or hold onto it, sometimes you just need to let it go or you'll just hurt yourself trying.

Holding onto negativity/anger/trauma only hurts you and stunts your growth. you need to sometimes just let it go. It's okay, you tried and that's all you can do sometimes. I could have stayed there forever trying to move those rocks to get that phone, but I don't need it to survive. You don't need to hold onto these negative things in your life that make you feel like life isn't fair. Shit happens my friend and sometimes you just need to accept it and move on.

I'll see you next time, Anna x

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